Writing on the Double Yellow Line

Militant moderate, unwilling to concede any longer the terms of debate to the strident ideologues on the fringe. If you are a Democrat or a Republican, you're an ideologue. If you're a "moderate" who votes a nearly straight party-ticket, you're still an ideologue, but you at least have the decency to be ashamed of your ideology. ...and you're lying in the meantime.

Location: Illinois, United States

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

The Proof is in the Hearing


The Proof is in the Hearing

©2021  Ross Williams




If I have to listen to another imbecile claim “There’s no proof!!” I’m likely to dig up my aluminum softball bat and introduce his ears to each other.


Anyone with a scientific background or − especially in this case − a legal background, knows better than to say this.  Proof is not the starting point.  Proof is a conclusion built upon a systematic, fair and honest inspection of evidence.  There has been no inspection of evidence, and there has been only slightly more active search for evidence.  Nonetheless, evidence exists, and is massive.  It seems nearly overwhelming.


There was no proof that the solar system was heliocentric until after the evidence was presented and medieval protoscientists stopped being a-skeered of running up against papal bulls.  There was no proof that John Wayne Gacy killed a bunch of kids until after the evidence was inspected, cross examined and ruled upon.


You need to actually review the evidence and determine that it is insufficient before you can say “there’s no proof.”  There has been no such review.  No inspection.  No hearing.  No trial.  There is no legitimate basis for claiming “there is no proof.”  Sticking your fingers in your ears while shouting “No proof!!” at the top of your lungs is called denial.

Denial because you wish to appear “objective” to those in ideological denial is an anti-intellectual collaboration.  It is − and I’m choosing my metaphors deliberately here − the same politics that led to the creation of Vichy France.


Evidence of what, you ask?  Vote fraud.  Concerted, deliberate vote fraud.


Evidence started piling up on election day itself.  Voting machines in multiple states converted around 30% of the votes for the republican presidential candidate into votes for the democrat candidate, and never the other way around.  “Software glitch” was the official excuse.  The counties in question hadn’t updated their software on schedule, which means one of two conditions apply:
1] the software had always been faulty, and every prior election should be considered invalid, or
2] the software was deliberately written to malfunction in a specific manner unless new software was purchased and installed on top of it.

In either event, the company behind the voting tabulation systems [Dominion] is effectively copping to incompetence or fraud.  While only fraud is outright criminal, both are tortable.

As a 35-year IT wonk, I would be extremely loath to claim “software glitch” when seeking to absolve myself of blame.  I’d claim misaligned optical scanners in the machines.  Always blame the hardware.


The immediate evidence continues.  Poll workers, observers and media in multiple states were − illegally and unprecedentedly − sent home while vote tabulation continued.  In Georgia, it was accompanied by hauling duffels of votes out from hiding as soon as anyone not in on it had been shooed away.  Yes, this was caught on camera, to which the ubiquitous response was, essentially, “These are not the fraudulent votes you’re looking for.”


Other Jedi mind tricks were undertaken in Nevada, Arizona and Michigan where dead people voted by the tens of thousands, non-residents and non-citizens voted by the mere thousands, and − in an apparent nod to accommodating mental illness − the schizophrenics were all given one vote for each of their personalities: nearly 100,000 multiple ballots were documented.


In all states that are considered at issue here, signature verification was refused on mail-in ballots, in violation each state’s election law.  Pennsylvania attempted to head off criticism at the pass by issuing a series of regulatory moves and judicial rulings prior to the election that precluded the statutory need for signature verification − a move which is, itself, in direct violation of law: only the legislature may alter the manner in which elections are conducted, not judges and certainly not unelected bureaucrats.  And by virtue of this, Pennsylvania is in violation of not only their state laws, but also the federal Voting Rights Act, which figured prominently in Bush v. Gore in 2000.


So evidence abounds.


Evidence that vote fraud did occur, and evidence that a handful of states made it trivially easy for vote fraud to be conducted with official state blessing.  Seemingly a thousand lawsuits were filed in state and federal courts asking for this evidence to be officially heard, and in all but one [to my knowledge] instance, the suits were thrown out with the judge commonly ruling [drumr-r-r-r-r-roll] “There is no proof.”

In the one suit where a hearing was actually held, the judge ruled that the evidence was not admissible and [long-winded judicial double-talk short] “What else ya got?  Nothing?  So wut yer sayin is you got no proof.  Okay … case dismissed.”  Hint, yeronners: hie thine asses back to law school.  You obviously missed a few key lectures on trial procedure.

Not to be outdone, the US Supreme Court, in a ruling that hearkens back to the galaxy far, far away ruled that Texas [et al] cannot complain about Pennsylvania failing and refusing to follow its own, and US, election law because fraudulently determining the galactic Chancellor in the way the Trade Federation rigged it has no effect on Naboo.  Apparently Texas [et al] won’t be affected by a president elected by ghosts, split personalities and out-of-state visitors, and cannot bitch about it in court.  “You have no standing.”


At least they didn’t say “There is no proof.”  They are skilled enough jurists that they ignored that issue altogether.


Four years [and likely many, many more] of chapped-ass democrats pulling a page from every communist dictator’s conspiratorial anti-American playbook, witness Chavez, Castro and any of the L’il Kims in their man-god franchise.  “The complete lack of evidence supporting my claim that the CIA is behind this popular revolt/natural consequence of socialist economics proves the CIA did it!”


Democrats have claimed Russia rigged the 2016 election with zero evidence apart from Orangeman’s offhand “Wouldn’t it be funny if Russia had Medusa’s emails…?” [turns out they did] and the absolute dearth of evidence of either connection or consequential election interference constitutes proof of both. 


Donnie Combover − the guy they love to remind everyone is a failure in business − is apparently, like the stumblebum CIA, just that good.  It’s obviously been a 50-year set-up.  “How can I parlay my father’s $100 million inheritance into a 21st Century presidency?   I know!!  Convert that $100 mill into a few billion by repeatedly “failing” in business.  That’s the ticket!”


Today democrats are, to a hypocrite, claiming elections can’t be rigged.  ...at least not when means, motive and opportunity are prodigiously supported by evidence.  That’s just crazy talk.  Evidently, elections can only be rigged when means and opportunity are absent [Russia may, and probably does, have motive], and evidence has to be manufactured.


The crossroad is most likely behind us.  We seem to be on a one-way street to an authoritarian fascist dictatorship supported by the ghosts, schizos, and out-of-staters, and rationalized by the various Marshall Pétain among us who don’t want to risk their standing by insisting that the craven courts actually do their job.


A republic, madam, if you can keep it.


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